Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Becca's Tortillas

The first time I made tortillas was on the floor of my freezing cold apartment in Ueda, Japan. My companion was Karina Maqueda, from Mexico City, and we had no languages in common. We communicated in hugs and earnest gestures and feeble monosyllabic Japanese.
She was a real cook-- she would put her finger right into a simmering pot to taste, and then suck on it thoughtfully, then splash in salt or cream in a cascade, a foot above the stove. She had drama and flair. And she gave me a very stern look when she caught me eating my asparagus right out of the cooking water. "Do you always eat it like THAT?"
I wish these were her tortillas, which she threw together and rolled quickly with her palms, and spread into even perfect circles. But they're not.
I like to make these in huge batches and freeze whatever I don't use that day. So this recipe makes about 3o.

Becca's Tortillas
2 c white flour
2 c wheat flour
2 c corn meal
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/2 c. lard
2 and 3/4 c. hot water

Knead these together with your hands until it comes together into a ball and holds together, about 5 minutes. Then roll the dough into balls of about 2 tbsp each, flouring your hands and the board if you need to. Cover with plastic wrap and rest for 20 minutes.
Then heat a skillet or two to medium. Roll the balls out into even thin circles and cook in the hot pan (ungreased!) for a minute on one side, 20 seconds on the other. Adjust the heat if it takes too long or blackens too quickly. Juggle rolling pin, flour, hot pans, dough, and spatula until you have a small mountain of tortillas. Let them cool, then freeze 'em!

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