Saturday, January 24, 2009

Coconut Rice Pudding

With coconut water, rather than milk or cream, this is a really light-tasting pudding. The intensity of the coconut flavor will depend on your liquid. We have a samoan coconut tree that makes huge generous coconuts full of very mild flavored water-- about a half gallon per nut!

Coconut Rice Pudding

1/2 c. sugar
3-4 c. coconut water
1-2 c. cooked white rice
Splash of Cream

Combine everything in a saucepan, and simmer for a long time. Maybe 40 minutes? Until the rice expands and absorbs all the liquid, and the pudding plops and glops (technical culinary terms, those.) Garnish the servings of pudding with drizzles of cream.


  1. What does a Samoan coconut tree look like? What do the coconuts look like? I would like to find out what kind of tree I have in Maui. It is about 20 feet tall, and produces LOTS of coconuts. They are green, and do not develop the brown nut inside. The coconuts are not round, they are sort of eliptical shaped. I drink the juice every day!
    Wonderful to find this blog!
    thanks so much!

  2. Hey Francesca--
    That sounds just about like mine-- by the time ours fall off, they're still mostly juice inside. Yummy!
    All that juice has got to be good for you. :)


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